Ruach Music | Handmade musical instruments with global reach

Stephen Henderson is the young entrepreneur behind Kilkeel-based Ruach Music which produces and sells handmade Cajons, pedalboards and effects pedals for guitarists and electric and bass guitars. Henderson, now 22, decided to build his very own Cajon (a percussion instrument) after playing one for the first time at a jam session in a friend’s house in 2011. From that point on he wanted a Cajon of his own, but at the time couldn’t afford one, so made his own.

As Stephen progressed with his A-Levels, he made and refined more Cajons and advertised them online. Stephen quickly realised this hobby had potential to become a business. After finishing his A-Levels in 2013 he secured his first retailer, Matchetts Music, Belfast. Ruach Music Ltd now has 6 full time staff, 20 stockists across the UK and distributors operating in the USA and Republic of Ireland, and its instruments are now listed on the Guitar Centre/Musician Friend’s online platform – the largest seller in the world.

The firm’s growth came after working capital finance support from Enterprise Northern Ireland. Sales growth meant the business needed a cash flow facility to fund larger raw material purchases for their handmade musical instruments in order to be in a position to fulfil new orders as they come in.